NEXT FREESTYLE: Monday 3rd February 2025 Nigel's Birthday £5 Entry 🥂🍾🎶🎶🎶
07486452138 Chance To Dance LeRoc Modern Jive
NEXT FREESTYLE: Monday 3rd February 2025 Nigel's Birthday £5 Entry 🥂🍾🎶🎶🎶
07486452138 Chance To Dance LeRoc Modern Jive
Data Protection Policy
Regulation (UK GDPR) [21 and the Data Protection Act legal framework for data protection.
The Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) regulates and enforces data protection law in the general principle is that confidential information should not be shared for purposes Chance To Dance business.
• Exceptions to this principle are where the individual has consented to sharing the information; where sharing information on is required by expressly permitted by law; or
such as preventing there is on overriding public interest, such as preventing serious harm.
• Align to the Cauldicott principles:
1)Justify purpose for using the confidential information.
2) Don't use confidential info unless it is necessary*
3) Use min necessary confidential information.
4) Access to confidential info should be on a strict need-to-know basis.
5) Everyone with access to confidential info should be aware of their responsibilities.
6) Understand and comply with the law.
7) Duty to share info can be as important as duty to protect confidentiality.
8) Inform service users about how their confidential information is used.
Principles of GDPR:
Everyone responsible for using personal data must follow strict rules under data protection law. These known as the ‘data protection principles', listed below and must be adhered to when you are using and sharing personal data:
Lawful, fair, transparent:
Chance To Dance will ensure we have a valid legal reason to use people's information.
Chance To Dance will ensure that you act in accordance with other laws, such as the common law duty of confidentiality.
This means only using information Chance To Dance have received in confidence such as is health and care information in a way that the person would expect in a way that is unduly detrimental, unexpected or misleading to you.
Chance To Dance will be clear, open and honest wit you from the start about how Chance Dance will use your personal data. Your organisation Will do this through the privacy notice on Chance entrance desk (Chance To Dance website or via other methods, such as information leaflets as requested)
Purpose limitation:
Chance To Dance will be clear from the outset about the purpose for using the information.
Chance To Dance will only use your personal data for another purpose where this is compatible with Chance To Dance purpose, or Chance To Dance attain your consent, or Chance To Dance have a clear obligation or function set out in law.
Chance To Dance will inform you and attain your consent before Chance To Dance use your information in a new way. However, exemptions apply for using person da for other purposes.
Data minimisation:
Chance To Dance will ensure, the personal data Chance To Dance are processing is adequate, sufficient to properly fulfil the Chance To Dance purpose rational link to those purposes not excessive.
Chance To Dance will only use or share the minimum mount of personal data necessary to achieve the Chance To Dance purpose.
Accurate and kept up-to-date:
Chance To Dance will take all reasonable steps to ensure the personal data Chance To Dance hold is not incorrect or misleading.
If Chance To Dance discover that personal data is incorrect or misleading, Chance To Dance will take reasonable steps to correct or erase it as soon as possible.
Chance To Dance will carefully consider any challenges to the accuracy of personal data
Storage limitation:
Chance To Dance will not keep personal data for longer than Chance To Dance need it.
Chance To Dance need to think about and be able to justify how long Chance To Dance keeps data data. This will depend on Chance To Dance purposes for holding the data
Chance To Dance will also periodically review the data Chance To Dance hold, and erase it when Chance To Dance no longer needs it.
Chance To Dance may keep personal data for longer if Chance To Dance are only keeping it for statistical purposes.
Security, integrity and confidentiality:
Chance To Dance will ensure that appropriate security measures are in place to protect the personal data held by Chance To Dance or any other third party working on behalf of Chance To Dance.
Accounted for (Accountability principle):
The accountability principle requires Chance To Dance do with personal data and how ou comply with the other relevant principles.
Rights of Indisiduals
Data protection law provides individuals with certain rights.
You have the right to be informed of whether their personal data is being used, what it is being used for and who it may have been given to.
Chance TO Dance must inform you if Chance To Dance is using personal data. This is done by publishing privacy notices, verbally or in writing.
You have the right to ask Chance To Dance If they are using or storing your personal data and to ask Chance To Dance for copies of their information verbally or in writing. This is commonly known as making a request (SAR)
You can challenge the factual accuracy of personal information held about you by Chance To Dance and ask for it to be corrected or deleted.
You can ask Chance To Dance to delete information aQou o Chance To Dance willt as soon as possible. subject to any legal or Insurance requirements. This is also known as the right to be forgotten.
You have the right to request restriction or limitation of the use of your personal data in certain circumstances. This right is closely linked to rights to challenge the accuracy of data and to object to its use.
Data portability:
In certain circumstances where you have provided your personal data directly to Chance To Dance, they have the right to request their personal data from Chance To Dance in a comon format.
You also have the right to ask Chance To Dance to transfer your information to another organisation.
You have the right to object to the use of your personal data in some circumstances. If Chance To Dance agrees to your objection, Chance To Dance must stop using your data for that purpose unless Chance To Dance can give strong and legitimate reasons to continue using your data despite your objection.
Automatc decision making and profiling:
This is n y applicable to data used by Chance To Dance.
Raising concerns:
An individual can tell Chance To Dance or the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) if they are concerned about how Chance To Dance is using their data.
If a Chance To Dance representative is approached by someone who wishes to exercise notify the relevant person or team in Chance To Dance who has the necessary expertise and procedures. This will be the Data Protection Officer (DPO) and Information Governance(IG) team:
Jai Hill & Nigel Duck.
Nigel & Jai Welcome You to our Chance To Dance Modern Jive Classes
Every Monday Evening at the:
Royal British Legion Church Road
BH22 9ET